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Are You Servant or are You Master?

When I hear some loathe the internet and social media for, "All the negativity and divisiveness found there." I ask, "What is it you're looking for in the vastness if this is what you have found?"

Fair question, no? It's been said, and I agree, "Technology is a great servant, but a terrible master." A proverbial double-edged sword that, when decisively wielded, can cut both ways. So all you loathers and whiners. Are you servant or are you master? Perhaps, try deciding what you seek before setting upon your digital wanderings to find some hint of an answer.

For behold! There is much to be found away from the cacophonous din. Just this day, I discovered a classic literary work in its entirety, and therein, Ernest Hemingway's exquisite depictions of the mako shark, as narrated by another American treasure, Charlton Heston.

Seeketh, and you shall find this auditory production of "the Old Man and the Sea" on Youtube. https://youtu.be/uVbArCU7MMw

Thanks for reading. {sp}

Image: Guy Harvey