
We’re all seeing it now. Admit or deny. Your call, but. Truth has a uniquely timeless way of clawing its way to the surface and into the light for all to behold. Void of opinion or emotion or agenda. It. Just. Is. This has direct ties to an age old battle between good and evil. I admit great satisfaction and pride knowing I was born with gut feelings, heart, intellect and an instinct to question. Everything. That’s why. Like so many. We landed on the right side of this thing since its earliest days. There is pride in that, but there’s no joy or celebration because the collateral damage is incalculable. It hit home for everyone on this planet. The end is near and there we will find this good news. Like truth. Karma is always looking for a good time, too. The closer it gets, the worse it gets. May that keep all evildoers behind this awake. Long into the night. Every night. After night. {sp}

June 6, 1944


On this day, 76 years ago... duty called and many from the Greatest Generation, including both my Grandfathers in the days to follow, answered with everything they had, including a willingness to sacrifice all, if that's what it would take. For so many, it did. I will always and forever be in awe of my Grandfathers, John Paxton and Jerome Larkin, along with all their Allied Brothers in Arms for doing what had to be done. Selflessly carrying out and enduring the kinds of acts that, for most of the rest of us, are entirely unimaginable. God Bless You ALL and These United States of America.

Thanks for reading. {sp}

#USA #GreatestGeneration #Patriotism #Gratitude #Honor #Respect


Greatness. Like pizza or ice cream, it can be ordered, served, and consumed in virtually limitless variations. Everyone has their favorite combinations of toppings and flavors. There's a lot of those available for the taking these days. Maybe it was an instinctual diversionary distraction from what's holding fast in the focus of the masses these days, but nonetheless, the word Greatness flashed in my conscience this morning. Yes. I understand it's a noun with contextual complexities, but what the hell. I just rifled off what came to mind at the time - an order of toppings and flavors to go with it. Greatness. Something to look for in the world around me, and to strive for in my reactions to whatever I may encounter.

Thanks for reading. {sp}

The Effect of Enforced Consequence on Bad People & Their Harmful Ways


They just closed down the entire US economy for 3 months to 'flatten the curve'. As a law-abiding American, here's an idea. Why not just go ahead and impose Federal Martial Law for just a few days. Then, when and where needed, not as the lame inconsequential gestures we've seen put forth in some cities, strictly and literally impose curfews. This would allow for meaningful measures and force multipliers including military force to expeditiously sweep the streets clean of these marauding scumbags. Thus effectively shutting this wanton lawlessness down, once and for all. I've always been a big believer in the concept of enforced consequence as a pretty efficient way to bring bad people and their harmful ways to an abrupt halt.

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The Gullible Ones

I found an old worn out shoe. The label inside states, "Does not fit all, but will adapt to many". As a current social observation, I would say TOO many. And so it reminds me of a quote, widely attributed to one Samuel Langhorne Clemens aka Mark Twain. "Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story." #thegullibleones #ifitfits

Thanks for reading. {sp}


Very Able Troopers (Vat 69)

Very Able Troopers (Vat 69)

The story behind a brand can sometimes enhance the consumer experience. For my fellow history buffs, this one might even wet your whistle. Enjoy with a large cube of ice or two in a short glass. If you have a flannel shirt and glowing fire pit handy, all the better.

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